Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bake Oven Knob to Smith Gap Road

 Hiked nine miles and hitched in to Palmerton with 50/50. At the civic building there, they have a hostel in the basement. You check in with the clerk (or if it is after hours, you check in to the police station)
We got in at about 10:30, so too early to stay the night, but we wanted to see it. The climb out of Palmerton is sort of legendary. 

This is the ridge that we climbed from a distance.
It was a rock scramble. Very fun!
We had planned on going another 10 miles but ran into Mambo and Murphy and they were going 13 to a road crossing. There is a guy there who let's hikers sleep in his garage and there is rain forecast, so we all went. Although 50/50 took a detour. He got his name because he is directionally challenged and 50% of the time he gets lost. He ended up at the ski resort somewhere down the mountain. It was a pretty rocky, rough day and our feet were aching (surprise surprise) but we got a shower and ice cream at the end of the day. It was worth it, but after 22 miles of hiking, we were all pretty exhausted and this guy was a talker. A non stop talker. It was shocking how much he talked. It got  to a point where it became comical and we all were suppressing laughter. After he went upstairs, we all just burst out laughing like a bunch of kids at a slumber party. 
Oh Pennsylvania. You have been an interesting place and I can't say that I will miss you when we leave in 26.5 miles. Not that I'm counting. The rain. The rocks. The land of garrulous people.

1 comment:

  1. Kids at a slumber party huh??? Laugh so hard it will make your stomach hurt:)
