Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pass Mountain Shelter to Front Royal Hostel

So sad! Hiked 7 quick miles and then hit the last wayside for breakfast. Back on the trail fairly quickly because I had a long hiking day ahead. The trail was good. A lot less crowded now that Memorial Day is over.
Bear count today- 4!! Came across 'napping bear' early afternoon. He was laying in the greenery not far off the trail. I stopped to take a few pics. He looked at me, sort of annoyed, and just got up and lumbered away.
Hiked for about another 30 minutes and heard something run through the brush right beside me. Bear cub running off the trail, then I saw another cub scramble up a tree. Mama was sitting at the bottom of the tree. I would post a few pics but they just sort of look like black blobs. Mama was not too threatened by me, because as I was taking pics, she looked at me and then laid down.
Got in to the hostel around 6. Went in to Front Royal to grab some dinner and resupply now that I have to carry my own food again. Met a hiker here tonight who is a retired attorney from KC AND an MU grad. We tossed a little sh*t back and forth and laughed about how we didn't want to be the first one to fall asleep. Probably ought to sleep with one eye open :)

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