Monday, April 25, 2016

You just never know

Ate a good breakfast at the best Western and got back on the trail by 9, feeling slightly guilty about the caloric intake of the last 24 hours. Started out walking under Highway 15 and then under the railroad tracks.
Pretty much started right in to the 20 mile climb ahead for the day. Some really pretty and dramatic scenery.
I got my rain gear out because of the clouds, even though there was no
Rain in the forecast. 😂😂👍🏼
Hiked through some more trail damaged by fire
After about  5 or 6 hours of climbing, the guilt over my 'bigger Mac' was long gone. The wind started to pick up and we started getting pelted with these little white, frozen pellets. Snow? No way!
Came to a spot that seemed a little protected and even though it was only about 4, we went ahead and pitched our tents. THANK GOODNESS!!
Because THIS happened....
Not just a few flakes. But real, honest-to-goodness snow. And BIG wind. And thunder. What the ...????  If my tent withstands this wind tonight...I will truly be a happy camper.
This is me tonight
I'm pretty much sleeping in every item of clothing I have with me. My sleeping bag is the North Face Blue Kazoo 15 degree bag. Same one I used on the AT and it hasn't failed me yet. It will be tested tonight!! Water filters can be ruined in this type of weather, so my phone, my filter and I are all tucked inside my sleeping bag for the night. Tomorrow we hike into Wrightwood and the weather looks pretty questionable through Thursday, so there could be a zero in our future.  After Wrightwood is Mount Baden Powell and it's not someplace you want to be with bad weather.
Pics of our little camp tonight. There are five of us here.
And even though conditions are not ideal :). .. The sunset is still beautiful.

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