Sunday, August 17, 2014

Caratunk to Moxie Bald Lean-to

Murphy and I were on the trail by 8:00. 50/50 threw out this back right as we were getting ready to load up. He is hoping to get it worked on and meet up with us in Monson. As I mentioned, to get injured this close to the end is devastating!!
It was a long miles day of hiking and I feel like I had to battle for every step. There were a few climbs, nothing remarkable, but the trail itself was very challenging. Lots of roots, rocks, streams, mud and muck. It was exhausting.
Maine is really beautiful. It's nice when we get the opportunity to pop out of the woods for one of these amazing views.
Tonight we are camping by Bald Mountain Pond. Great place to end a tough day.
Kickapoo, Pogano (it's his 30th bday) Twist and Shakes are here also. The talk is about the best way to handle the 100 mile wilderness. And what every one plans to do the day after summitting. There has been a lot of discussion about jeans and all things cotton. My jeans are on their way to Millinocket for the celebratory 'day after'. 
Tomorrow... Monson, where I have heard the Lakeshore Pub serves a great Cobb salad (thanks to Tatiana for the tip!) I have  had a hankering for a Cobb salad since maybe Maryland?? 
It's interesting as I get closer to the end. Some of the friends that I have hiked with are ahead or have already summitted (Da Vinci, Tatiana and Lyons... CONGRATS!) Looper, Bubba and Lunch are close to being done if they haven't summitted yet. and some are a little bit  behind. (Al, Mike, Right Here and 19) It's strange to think that after over 2000 miles of seeing all these folks off and on, that I probably won't see many if them again, but we shared this very unique and special, once-in-a-lifetime (atleast for me) experience.

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