Thursday, August 14, 2014

East Flagstaff Lake to Pierce Pond

On the trail by about 8 and after a mile or so, came to a road with 2000 miles painted on..
Pretty cool but it was actually at about mile 2016...but who's counting. Oh yea. We are. Diligently!
It was supposed to rain most of the night but we got lucky and it didn't. Drizzled all day, but totally do-able. Although a tad bit slippery.
Most of the trail was semi-walkable, but there were a few sections like this.
I can't even begin to express how nice it was today to have a mostly flat profile!!!! A few bumps at the beginning of the day but nothing after that. It was heavenly. And we got good miles done early.
We are staying at Harrison's Pierce Pond Cabins tonight. Very rustic, no electricity but we have a fire in the stove and a kerosene lantern, a hot shower and a roof over our head for the rain. 
My friends from the very beginning of this hike are staying here too. Dragonlady and J5. 
No food supplies here, but they shared some sodas with us which was great!!!!
View from the porch of the cabin and the cabin itself.
We get a 12-pancake breakfast here in the morning and we've heard they are fruit-filled and fabulous. Can't wait!
We were discussing how we adjust to some of the inconveniences out here. The prefix 'ish' is used a lot. Dry-ish. 
Full-ish. Warm-ish. I think the thing that I will miss least of all, is putting wet-ish, clammy clothes on in the morning. 
Caratunk tomorrow for resupply and we need to start figuring out how to handle the food situation for the 100-mile wilderness. We either have to carry enough food for 5 or 6 days (heavy) or there are a few options to have food drops within the wilderness. Hmmm. Logistics. Not my forte'.
So, what started as an average day, had a really nice ending. After I wrote all of the above....we ended up getting to enjoy a fabulous vegetable filled dinner up in the main lodge, prepared by Tim, who owns the camp. After we ate, a few more hikers who were staying at the shelter nearby, came in to the lodge to get out of the rain. Stark, Acorn and Shakes. Tim, who turns out to be quite a musician, got his keyboard out, another section hiker had his mandolin, and we all stood around the keyboard singing. Started with probably my favorite song of all times, What a Wonderful World. It's these kind of unexpectedly spontaneous, wonderful, quirky experiences that I love so much out here. A great reminder to savour what is left of this journey.
Back in the cabin, raining outside, fire in the stove, writing this by kerosene lantern. Wow. Good stuff.

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