Franconia ridge is a few miles of trail that is above tree line. It was cold and incredibly windy up there! My pack is a little heavier than ideal weight, but I was grateful for the extra weight today. There were times when there were 40-50 mile an hour sustained winds. It literally blew us over a few times. I would go to take a step, and my foot would land about12" from where I had intended! It was fun, but tiring! Here is a view looking back at part of the ridge.
We climbed over several mountains today as we made our way in to the Presidentials within the Whites. Climbed Liberty, Lincoln, Lafayette, Garfield and South twin mountains. After two days of rain, the trail was muddy and there were spots where it was like a stream. The climb down from Garfield was especially steep, and there was a point that we had to stop to be sure we were still on the trail because it was a waterfall. Not like a waterfall... it was an actual waterfall!
We got to the Galehead Hut at about 5. Work-for-stay was already taken which was ok because we still wanted to get a few more miles in. Filled up on water, got a snack and started the last hump of the day up South Twin Peak. We did 15 miles today which is pretty decent in the Whites and they were hard earned miles. The profile tomorrow looks a little kinder. Got a good look back at Franconia Ridge from the peak.
Found a good stealth site about a mile down and pitched our tents. Had my woolies mailed back to me at Hanover and thank goodness!!! It is COLD tonight! Kind of like back in March in North Carolina! Sleeping in woolies, hat and gloves!
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